19 Personal Finance Influencers and Forums You Should Follow

We know. You want to learn more about personal finance, but you just don’t know where to start! Never fear. In addition to all the great personal finance resources available at OppLoans.com, we also have a list of twelve awesome accounts that you can follow on X (formerly Twitter). Please note that the accounts listed below are not associated with, and their opinions may not correlate to, OppU or Opportunity Financial, LLC.
There is a wealth of smart, sound financial wisdom right at your fingertips. All you need to do is click.
X Bio: From earning a living to building wealth. A CPA distilling $$ topics down on our path to financial independence by age 35.
What We Say: Chicago (and also forming sustainable personal finance habits) represent!
X Bio: Personal Finance and Frugal Living Portal. Tweets by Ashley Jacobs (@CollegeCents)
What We Say: Get tips and wisdom from a whole slew of amazing personal finance writers and experts. One of the best in the biz!
X Bio: CentSai is a group of #Millennial Finance experts teaching personal finance through stories.
What We Say: We love personal finance. We love stories. We love Centsai.
X Bio: Personal finance tips including saving, budgeting, investing and dealing with debt. Share your own money tip! http://tiperosity.com/sign_up
What We Say: If you like ‘em short and sweet, then this is the account for you!
X Bio: Accredited Financial Counselor® Helping real women live on a real budget.
What We Say: Wonderful advice here about how to save and how to live.
X Bio: The Penny Hoarder is one of the world's largest personal finance websites with 10+ million monthly readers.
What We Say: If you were going to read only one personal finance website, this might just be the one.
X Bio: America's favorite financial educator & #1 bestselling author: The One Week Budget. HuffPost blogger. Seen on: TODAY/ MSNBC/ TIME/ NYTimes/ FORBES/ Reuters
What We Say: A gateway to all of the spectacular advice that Tiff the Budgetnista has to offer.
X Bio: #PersonalFinance Blogger | Dividend Investor | MBA | Tax Accountant | Caribbean Born | Millennial Advocate
What We Say: Sound advice to help millennials (an anyone!) get their finances under control.
X Bio: #PersonalFinance expert. Helping #millennials master their #money so they can build lives and careers on THEIR terms. http://stefanieoconnell.com
What We Say: Expert wisdom that is expertly given.
X Bio: #blogger at Minimalist Finance | architecture grad | I'm passionate about paying off $40k in debt and inspiring others to do the same
What We Say: This fantastic site combines personal finance insight with Amanda’s personal mission to become debt free.
X Bio: Personal Finance Columnist, Washington Post. 2022 Lifetime Achievement @LoebAwards winner.
What We Say: A plethora of awesome tweets and advice about money and how to manage it.
X Bio: Expert witness credit reporting credit scoring Metro 2. 31+ yrs in credit reporting/scoring. Formerly verified and NEVER paying for a blue check mark.
What We Say: A nationally recognized expert in credit reporting and identity theft.
X Bio: Mr. Money Mustache was a thirtysomething retiree who now writes about how we can all lead a frugal yet Badass life of leisure.
What We Say: Great advice on how to cut back on bad money habits and expensive lifestyle choices.
X Bio: I write about personal finance and consumer issues for The New York Times.
What We Say: If you’re looking for tweets about current financial issues, she’s a great person to follow!
And of course, if you don’t follow us already, make sure you do that: You can find us at @Opp_Fi.
Making money friends online.
You can comb through Google search results all you like looking for the perfect answer to your financial query, but sometimes it’s better to just ask another person.
And if there’s no one in your life who has the answers, no worries, you can just join a personal finance forum online and ask the people there!
Plus, who knows, you might end up having the perfect answer to someone else’s personal finance question.
Get Rich Slowly Forum
If you need some classic personal finance advice or inspiration, then check out the Get Rich Slowly Forum (@getrichslowly). You’ll find general discussions about finance, success stories, and even a personal development section focusing on self-improvement and success strategies for everyday life.
myFICO Forum
The myFICO Forum (@myfico) is a great resource for anyone looking for information about credit scores, or anything else personal finance-related. This forum covers a wide range of topics from mortgages and auto loans to rebuilding your credit and advice on bankruptcy. And if you don’t find what you’re looking for, check out the myFICO blog!
BiggerPockets Forum
The BiggerPockets Forum (@BiggerPockets) has over 12,000 posts and over 1,000 discussions about all things personal finance. According to BiggerPockets, “The personal finance forum is for the discussion of issues revolving around personal finance, including other non-real estate investments such as stocks, budgeting, credit, bankruptcy, saving, and retirement.”
YNAB Forum
If you’re familiar with YNAB (@ynab), then you know that it stands for You Need A Budget, and it’s a popular budgeting tool used by many. What you may not know is that they also have a great forum to help answer any questions you might have about budgeting and finance!
Bogleheads Forum
For anyone looking to learn a little bit more about investing, the Bogleheads Forum may be for you. Based on the teachings of Vanguard founder John Bogle, topics are geared toward teaching investing strategies and concepts, but they also offer a forum for general personal finance questions as well. If you’re new to investing, or even just considering getting started, check out the Bogleheads Forum.
Please note the below article contains links to external sites outside of OppU and Opportunity Financial, LLC. These sources, while vetted, are not affiliated with OppU. If you click on any of the links you will be sent to an external site with different terms and conditions that may differ from OppU’s policies. We recommend you do your own research before engaging in any products or services listed below. OppU is not a subject matter expert, nor does it assume responsibility if you decide to engage with any of these products or services.